The BarBEARian Strongman Classic!
September 6th , 2025
Meet Director: Jeremy Wright
Venue: Francks' Gym 4309 Stewart Ave Wausau WI 54401
Venue Website:
QUESTIONS? Contact Jeremy Wright (715-301-6494)
Limited to 30 lifters per session
Morning session 9:30am-2:30pm
- Titan Log 50lbs/Log 110lbs, Axle, Husacross, Sandbag
- Atlas Stones 65,95,115,145,175,215,250,300,350,400
-SandBag Carry/Sled Push Medley
-Spud Straps For Yoke Carries/Top Loaded Farmer Carries
Medals to be awarded to top 3 placings in each weight class, age class and division.
RULES RAW Division: All Equipment is Legal.
Athletes can start with hands on implement
Must go Log, Sandbag, HusaCross, Axle
Athletes will have 60 seconds to clean and press each implement
Down command will be given when athlete is fully locked out (Elbows locked out and head threw)
Weights Women Novice 50lb Log, 50lb sandbag, HusaCross, 65lb Axle
Weights Women Open 80lb Log, 75lb sandbag, HusaCross, 85lb Axle
Weights Men Novice 140lb Log, 100lb sandbag, HusaCross, 150lb Axle
Weights Men Open 200lb Log, 150lb sandbag, Husacross, 210lb Axle
Each implement must be brought down in a controlled manor, if either implement is dropped from overhead intentionally athlete will receive a 0 for the event
Allowed: Elbow Sleeves/ cuffs, wrist wraps, soft belt, hard belt, knee sleeves, grip shirt.
Stone over the bar:
Athletes start with hands on the bar, on the go command athletes will lift stone over the bar for as many reps as possible for 60 seconds
Spotter will return the stones
Weights Women Novice 65lbs
Weights Women Open 115lbs
Weights Men Novice 175lb
Weights Men Open 245lb
Women's bar height will be 48"
Men's bar height will be at 52"
Allowed: Knee sleeves, soft belt, hard belt, elbow sleeves/ cuffs, grip shirt, Tacky Towels
Time Limit: 60 seconds
Distance: 70 Feet
Scoring: Distance + Time
The athlete will get set under the bar with the yoke straps. On the start command of the judge, the athlete will pick up the bar and carry it 70 feet through the finish line. The entire implement must cross the finish line before time stops. If the athlete does not finish the total run in 60 seconds, a distance will be taken. Athlete has unlimited drops. After completing the yoke walk, athletes will grab the farmer handles at the end of the lane and carry them back 70ft to finish the event.
Weights Women Novice Yoke 135lb, Farmer Carry 70lb per hand
Weights Women Open Yoke 200lb, Farmer Carry 115lb Per Hand
Weights Men Novice Yoke 315lb, Farmer Carry 180lb Per Hand
Weights Men Open Yoke 425lb, Farmer Carry 250lb Per Hand
Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Knee Wraps, Knee Cuffs, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Any Brand Grip Shirt.
SANDBAG MEDLEY: Athlete will pick and carry the sandbag 70 feet, run back grab the second sandbag. Run 70ft back down to drop off the bag, run back for the final sled push of 70ft. Allowed: sleeves, wrist wraps, neoprene shorts, soft belt, hard belt, hard belt over soft belt, knee wraps, chalk and grip shirt. NOT allowed: tacky or spray adhesive, multiple hard belts.
Weights Women Novice
50lb sandbag 75lb sandbag 250lb sled
Weights Women Open
75lb sandbag 100lb sandbag 300lb sled
Weights Men Novice
100lb sandbag 150lb sandbag
575lb sled
Weights Men Open
150lb sandbag 200lb sandbag 650lb sled
Test your might. If you have the energy left after this whirlwind fun day, Tackle the beasts of Franck's Gym. This lift does not count towards your total.Or towards your awards it is completely for fun.
Weigh-in & Equipment Check: Saturday, September 6th, 2025, from 7:30AM-9:00AM.
Weigh-ins will be held at the meet venue.
Lifting Begins: Saturday September 6th at 9:30AM
ENTRY FEES & PAYMENTS $100 per lifter. You will receive an email confirmation after your payment has been processed.
Entry deadline is September 5th, 2025. No entries will be accepted after this date.
NO REFUNDS. Registration can be transferred to another meet being directed by Jeremy Wright in the future.
Meet T-Shirt for presale $35 (all are unisex). Select the listing for the correct size.
DIVISIONS: Women's Novice, Women's Open, Men's Novice, Men's Open
Age Class: Junior 14-16, 17-19, 20-23, Open all ages, Sub Master 35-39, Master 40-44, 45-49, 50-54-55-59, etc.
WEIGHT CLASSES Men: 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 275, 308, 308+
Women: 97, 105, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 275, 308, 308+